Tsunami maximum flooding assessment in GIS environment
VOLUME: Mambretti S. (Ed) Tsunami, “Tsunami: From Fundamentals to Damage Mitigation”
ANNO: 2013
AUTORI: Mastronuzzi G., Capolongo D., Ferilli S., Marsico A., Milella M., Pignatelli C., Piscitelli A., Sansò P.
The presence of mega-boulders scattered landward along gently sloping rocky coasts is attributed to the impact of tsunami or of exceptional storms. Considering the original position and the size of the largest boulder is possible to estimate the characteristics of the wave that moved them in the past, and then estimate the maximum inundation. The present roughness of the coastal area conditions the capacity of the tsunami inland penetration in case of future event. The knowledge of the parameters of the possible tsunami together with the coastal topography and roughness make possible to estimate automatically scenarios of probable flooding.
ISBN 9781845647704