systems for Monitoring and modeling the Impact of extreme marine events in the Oceanic and Mediterranean environment

The research activity intends to develop a near real-time system for evaluating the effects of sea level changes and vulnerability related to the impact of extreme marine events in the ocean and Mediterranean environment. This research project aims, through the monitoring and analysis of the current coastal dynamics, to develop a mathematical model that is able to provide assessments on the areal extension of the coastal surface subject to flood following the impact of storm surges and in consideration of the sea ​​level position relative to climatic variations and relative movements of emerged lands, thus defining multi-temporal scenarios of vulnerability and danger. This system will be implemented in a monitoring station prototype equipped with hardware and software components that can be managed remotely and in real time, capable of analyzing the processes underway during a storm event and modeling the extension of the emerged surface subject to flooding.
The research project aims to obtain an innovative tool for the integrated management of the coastal strip through:

    1. the improvement of scientific knowledge of the dynamics of turbulent flows in areas with different roughness;
    2. the creation of a new remote monitoring system never realized to the knowledge of the proponents and applicable in different coastal areas;
    3. the creation of a system capable of constructing flood scenarios in an oceanic environment through the creation of vulnerability maps.


      • Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro
        Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e Geoambientali
      • Universidade de Coimbra –  DCT Departamento
        de Ciências da Terra, Coimbra, Portugal

Ente Finanziatore

Borsa di Dottorato Industriale Programma Operativo Nazionale FSE-FESR Ricerca e Innovazione 2014-2020 (PON R&I), Azione I.1 “Dottorati Innovativi con caratterizzazione industriale” e Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione (FSC) - Piano Stralcio “Ricerca e innovazione 2015-2017”- Dottorato in Geoscienze - Ciclo di Dottorato XXXVI


Febbraio 2021 - Febbraio 2024