Conversion of vintage seismic reflection profiles of the ViDEPI dataset crossing the Gondola Line seismogenic fault (offshore Apulia, Adriatic Sea, Southern Italy) to SEG-Y

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RIVISTA: Data in Brief

ANNO: 2024

AUTORI: Cicala M., De Giosa F., Piscitelli A., Scicchitano G., Festa V.

KEYWORD: Transformation to SEG-Y, ViDEPI project, IMAGE2SEGY, Mattinata–Gondola fault system


Three files have been created in SEG-Y format after conver- sion from the raster images of selected parts of the ViDEPI open project: seismic reflection profiles D-445, D-451 and D-452, crossing the Mattinata–Gondola fault system. This dataset was obtained using the freely downloadable MAT- LAB©program IMAGE2SEGY. The program requires input TIFF and TXT files containing the image and specific parameters for the seismic reflection profiles to convert the raster im- ages to the SEG-Y file format. The TIFF file of each pro- file was made using Adobe Photoshop®; the TXT format file was created with comma-separated number values and has a three-row and six-column structure, according to the pro- gram requirements. Once the raster images were converted to the SEG-Y file format, a light processing using DELPH Seis- mic®software improved the obtained seismic images. Cre- ating this freely available dataset overcomes the problem of poor-quality representation of the original raster seismic reflection profiles. Hence, this dataset allows geologists to better interpret these profiles, especially by using dedicated software that can modify the colours of the reflectors as desired. Thus, these data are useful for researchers who want to investigate the deeper structures associated with the seis- mogenic Mattinata–Gondola fault system.